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Service Tips

Because we want to offer you the best experience, we have some recommendations that could be done in order to serve you as quick and proficient as possible.

Clear away the area

Furniture that is easy to move can be put to the side. Fragile objects like mirrors and glass containers should be carefully stored in a safe place while labor is performed.

Do not look at the mess

There could be instances where we need to sand or cut new drywall, this can create some dust, but do not worry, we will clean everything as we leave.


oh, we love pets, and we know you love your pet even more, however if you think that he or she is the type that does not like to be very social sometimes, we recommend that your pet is safely out of reach of our crew members.

Be prepared to see us at least twice

Because some projects can be lengthy because of their size or drying times, we could be making at least two trips to your house. However, there will always be agreement on both parties to set a time.

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